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What makes content, or a brand or idea, go viral?

In this Masterclass you’ll learn the science behind why things go viral, the psychology
of building a strong brand, and how to create messages that people can’t resist sharing.

Dr Brent Coker has been researching why things go viral for over decade. Now he wants to share what he has learned. To survive and grow you have to build a strong brand – and that means making content that spreads.

Chapter 1 Play Video

Play Lesson

Running time: 8:57

Lesson Plan

Transcript, action plan, and bonus material

What’s the key to making something go viral? Brent discusses the myth of controversy, and the fundamentals of creating shareable content.

Chapter 2 Play Video

Play Lesson

Running time: 4:34

Lesson Plan

Transcript, action plan, and bonus material

Why is it that when we experience something memorable it causes us to tell others? The answer is because of emotions. Learn how to create strong emotions in your content to drive sustained sharing.

Chapter 3 Play Video

Play Lesson

Running time: 8:27

Lesson Plan

Transcript, action plan, and bonus material

Emotions are important for getting your message shared, but how do you transmit them? Brent discusses emotion transmission, and the role of music and memories.

Chapter 4 Play Video

Play Lesson

Running time: 9:35

Lesson Plan

Transcript, action plan, and bonus material

Fundamental to viral marketing is grabbing and keeping people’s attention. Brent discusses how to create anticipation and the role of storytelling.

Chapter 5 Play Video

Play Lesson

Running time: 7:15

Lesson Plan

Transcript, action plan, and bonus material

Why do people share some content but not others? Learn the psychology behind sharing, and the role of membership cues and core values.

Chapter 6 Play Video

Play Lesson

Running time: 10:40

Lesson Plan

Transcript, action plan, and bonus material

One of the most powerful strategies a brand can use to create word of mouth and viral spread is underdog strategy. Brent shares how to make one.

Chapter 7 Play Video

Play Lesson

Running time: 9:04

Lesson Plan

Transcript, action plan, and bonus material

Brent shares what he wants you to take away from this masterclass, and what you need to do next.

Chapter 8 Play Video

Play Lesson

Running time: 5:44

Lesson Plan

Transcript, action plan, and bonus material